Friday 22 March 2019

Why Some Long Distance Relationships Don’t Last

Long distance relationships take a lot of hard work and determination, but sometimes, despite all of that hard work, they just don’t last. While absence can definitely make the heart grow fonder, sometimes the distance can just be too much to bare, and sometimes there are a few other factors at play as well. Here are three of the reasons why some long distance relationships just don’t last.

Too much talk. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Some couples feel like they may have to make up for distance by communicating more frequently. The key to communication in this case, however, is quality over quantity. You may not need to know every detail of each other’s day, focusing on the important aspects keeps the lines of communication open while keeping the relationship fresh and avoids getting on each others nerves.

Not enough trust. Some couples communicate far too frequently not just because they want to know about the other’s day, but because they want to make sure their significant other hasn’t been up to anything behind their backs. Trust is essential to any relationship, and a relationship that doesn’t begin with trust is doomed to fail be it long distance or not.

Incompatible relationship goals. A big deal-breaker in long distance relationships can be a difference in goals. If the two of you will never see eye to eye on where to live, it may be best to be clear with each other and avoid some long term heartbreak. Being on the same page with your significant other when it comes to future plans can strengthen your bond and is a sure sign that the distance is only temporary, but when goals and desires just can’t be reconciled, hope for the future of the relationship may be fleeting.

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